Demas Schaefer Family Lawyers
Family Law Website
Demas Schaefer Family Lawyers
Family Law
Demas Schaefer LLP is an Edmonton-based family law firm that provides cost-effective and constructive family law solutions to Northern Albertans. ICONA worked closely with Demas Schaefer to create a campaign reflective of the firm's contemporary approach and depth of experience.
What We Offered
Dave, I just wanted to say thanks and good job. We’re getting overrun with calls. While Mark and I are getting our usual direct referrals, we are getting multiple calls per day as a result of our web presence. We’re going to have to hire more people.
That’s all. No big ask of you today. Just wanted to say thanks.
- Sean Schaefer

- Branding
- Website Design
- Web Development
- Search Engine Optimization
- Conversion Rate Optimization
Cumulative leads* after 9-months from launch: 3500%
* Conversion rates: Google Analytics