Alberta Lawyers' Assistance Society
Alberta Lawyers' Assistance Society
The Alberta Lawyers Assistance Society had its genesis with lawyers in the recovery community in the early 1980's. Assist provides free and confidential professional counselling to Alberta lawyers, articling students, law students and members of their families. ICONA happily donated a significant portion of this project in kind.
What We Offered
Please know how much we appreciate your support to Assist. We are very blessed. When confronted with what we wanted and what our budget allowed, you donated the balance back to us so that we could have our dream website without breaking our piggy bank. Dave, you and your team treated us like valued clients and not the poor cousins you had to be nice to!

Services & Donations in Kind
- Database design
- UX design
- Web design
- Ongoing support
- Boolean search function
- Database development
Contact Us
Have a project? We'd love to hear from you.
Find out how we can help your law firm. We have solutions for almost any budget.